Monday, July 22, 2013

It's Monday morning sitting on the front porch waiting for the fire inspector to come certify the house so we can pass papers.  It was quite a marathon weekend Rich came on Saturday and we replumbed the entire holding tank system so we would comply with the rules were we will be cruising. Peter Mchenry came to help us as well we installed the outboard engine I picked up Saturday, it's all bolted in the well.  Sunday Jeff came to help with the projects and Peter came back to help again.  Jeff finished the rewiring of the cabin lights and install a new red light for night vision in the main cabin. Peter and I installed the traveler in the cockpit and did many other small projects both days. installing the traveler was no easy feat as I had to crawl headfirst into both quarter berth and one of the lockers to reach the bolts inside the boat. At the end of the day Peter and I sat down with my check list and went over it.  The only two large items on the checklist are cleaning the entire inside of the boat and painting the outdrive of the engine. As with any boat there are lots of little projects.  I hope to today after I clean the boat if I have time I can get to some of them, others we will do along the way.

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