Friday, August 9, 2013

Day Twelve - Thursday, August 8

It was quite a trip we stayed up late last night and this morning we all slept in. Sue had cinnamon buns and cereal for breakfast while I made the crew real brewed coffee. This was a treat as both of the crew love that morning cup of coffee. In the morning Rich worked on a job estimate while Jeff helped Susan with her computers. Then I took them on a tour of Fairfield Harbour in Susan's golf cart. Later in the afternoon we toured downtown New Bern where Jeff has wanted to move for years. We visited Mitchell's hardware which is a unique store that has forgot that the 21st-century has happened. We were all impressed with the variety and depth of their stock,  they have everything you could possibly want in a hardware store. We visited one of the old churches in new Bern center and viewed some magnificent hand-painted windows in the church from the 1800s.
 Later in the afternoon two of Jeff's Masonic friends drove two hours from Raleigh to join us for dinner. During the course of dinner conversation we learned just how small a world it is. One of Jeff's friends is in charge of the entire state of North Carolina State Parks which is my educational background. All of Cachalot's crew along to the United States Sail and Power Squadron and Jeff's other friend, a woodworker, makes presentation ship's wheels for the past national commanders of USPS. We had a great meal at Capt. Raddy's restaurant and really enjoyed the conversation with Jeff's friends.

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